Friday, June 24, 2011

A Writer Is Someone Who Wrote Something Today

This morning, I disclosed to one of my cousins that I wanted to be a writer. He asked me if I have considered starting a blog, and stated "a writer is someone who wrote something today". It was then I decided that I must begin to write, basically every day. It is the reason I am writing right now. A writer must write. Yeah....pretty obvious, but then why have I not been writing?

I find it extremely interesting that I do not do things that I enjoy, or want to....even when I have the freedom to do them. It's frustrating to me that I don't and I'm never sure quite of the reasons why I don't do what I want to or's very mysterious. If I try to trace it back, I guess it would begin with a decision, or lack there of. I notice that I need to make a conscious decision to do something. Unless I "make the conscious decision" to do something (or to NOT do something), it will simply not happen. For example, one day I read in a little "quite-smoking pamphlet" that one needs to make the decision to stop/quit smoking in order to quit. It seems so basic, but then why don't we just live this? When I realized this in my heart, then I simply made the conscious decision to quit smoking cigarettes, and I have never smoked since.

Also, I love to cook for friends and try new recipes, but I very seldom make the conscious decision to coordinate the cooking event (ie. choose friends, schedule a time, invite the friends, choose a recipe, get the ingredients, set the table, cook the meal....).

So my question is: If I enjoy doing something, why don't I actively and frequently do that thing I enjoy? I see others "following through" often and frequently/actively doing things they enjoy. What exactly is keeping me from making the conscious decisions to actively pursue enjoyable activities? Wouldn't it be better if I did? Wouldn't I be happier? I want to understand the obstacles and then remove or destroy those obstacles from my life....

So, this morning, I did make the conscious decision to write today, and I did succeed. Now I am very curious what tomorrow will bring, and whether or not I make the decision to write tomorrow on my blog again......stay tuned, eh?

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