Monday, August 31, 2009

Another Walk in the Park

So, I was walking Lady again this evening after work in Highland Park, the same location as in my last blog. I stood underneath the "halved oak tree" and snapped a couple of pictures of the sunset against the skyline. See the lovely photos?

Lady stood in the distance and watched me...she is so old, and it seems like each step gives her some pain, yet she still *loves* her walks, and loves to stop and smell REALLY important things that I cannot see or smell myself...... Here is a picture of her waiting for me. She's so fluffy!

I got Lady in the freezing cold month of February of 1994. It was an especially cold February when I walked into a small gas station to pay for my gas; only big enough to have a few different types of candy bars and chips for sale. Lady greeted me at the door so sweetly and friendly. I was touched, and her fur was so soft to the touch. Two brown ears and one black eye with black lashes, the other eye with white lashes. I asked why there was a dog inside and who's it was; I was surprised and commented on what sweetie she was. The attendant said a couple of kids had left her, and so they let her inside since it was soooo cold outside. The kids had stopped to fill the air in their bike tires, and took off before she realized they were gone. She would be seen running alongside and keeping up with the kids as they rode their bikes around the area fairly often, supposedly. The attendant said they couldn't keep here there. So, "softhearted Stacy" offered to take her home. After all, I had a fenced in yard at the time. I left my name and phone number and told them to have the owners call me when they returned to the gas station for her.
Well, a week went by and I wondered why nobody had called yet, so I dropped into the gas station again. They of course, said the owners never wanted her, and actually thought the family had mistreated and/or abused her. I felt I'd been tricked, and was actually kinda pissed off. Also, was ticked off at the fact that they would abuse such a sweet pooch. So, I took her to the vet to get her fixed and all her shots. Then, she was mine.
Lady has been an angel in my life for 14 years. She was at least a couple of years old when I got her, so I know I won't have her around much longer.....she could be anywhere from 16 to 18 years old, or more; I have no idea. Now, her black eye has grayed. She doesn't climb the stairs anymore to sleep in my bedroom.
There are days when I think about how on earth I will make the decision to put her to sleep, and what a sad day that will be in my life. Part of me hopes she'll pass in her sleep, but that is not likely. See, she's very stubborn, just like her mother, and if she wants to stick around longer for just *one* more walk, she God, she will. When she does pass, that will likely not be another walk in the park....

Monday, August 10, 2009

Holly Oak Tree in Highland Park

I walked my dog Lady to the park this weekend and found that the recent storm had literally halved the magnificent oak tree in Highland Park, Indianapolis. That was truly the most beautiful, grand oak tree in the neighborhood. I used to sing "Holly Oak" by Geggy Tah as I walked underneath and around it. (...a holly oak tree is shading me.....planted by........a passer by, tossing acorn seeds....'til one taked hold and grows to be.....a shade of love inside a memory of you and me and that Holly Oak tree....)
Very romantic, considering I was in love when I sang it. Eventually, the love was crushed and my heart was cracked and split, much like the tree is now. Only half the tree remains. Something so powerful and majestic split in half. Have a look.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

This was NEAT, but then I *have* to do dishes!

I’d just finished tying my pooch Lady up to a tree outside Family Dollar, and suddenly hear and see a green plastic soda bottle fall to the ground and splash liquid from the corner of my eye. Alongside the bottle is a white plastic bag full of rubbish. The only thing near it is a teenage African American boy sitting in the drivers’ seat of a totally souped-up car, with see-through chrome tire rims – the works. Music is thumping, and his buddy is in the car with him, both windows wide open, sharing their love of music, I presume…

I went up to the young man and asked him if he’d just dropped that bottle. “What?”, as he turned down the music to hear. I asked him again. “No, I didn’t do it”. I turned away and headed into the store to get the dog treats for which I’d come, thinking yeah right….

As I arrived at the cashier, I could swear I saw the young man leave the store and get into his car. I asked the cashier and another fellow if that guy had just come in to throw away the trash. They said yeah, and then commented highly about him; one even described him as “honorable”. I told them I was very impressed myself, since I had said something to the boy.

As I left, I poked my head into his car window again and said “Did you pick up that trash?” “What?” as he turned down the music to hear. I asked again. He responded, “no I didn’t pick it up” to which I asked “what happened to it then?” His response: “It blew away.” I beamed straight into his eyes, “It blew away…(with a ‘yeah right’, tone of voice)”. And then he looked at me and gave me the most beautiful smile, so lovely that it made me smile. What a special gift – that smile. What a gift that I could plant a positive seed in his mind too.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Inaugural Personal Blog Blurb

This is my inaugural blog blurb for my personal blog. I created a blog at work yesterday, but believe I will need some personal space to voice my ideas online, outside of work.
Now, I just need to figure out what to write about.....

This morning on my way to work I thought about blogging about the bees I observed, that were basically "hanging" from their buzzing wings. They reminded me of a mother dog or cat carrying one of their pups/kittens around, except the bees were carried around by their wings.....from flower to flower. They were not quite as cute as a kitten or puppy though....

The creations of this world fascinate me. I suspect I may end up having a lot of nature topics in this well as music, politics, and just strong personal opinions....

I also wonder who on earth would read all this text I am creating, and ALL the bloggy-text out there created by billions of humans?? It's just like a library of books, but electronically, I suppose, eh?

Well, that's enough for me for now. Have a wonderful evening and a pleasant tomorrow.