Friday, October 16, 2009

Abandoned, Not Forgotten

This is the story that I am telling on Saturday at the Neighbor Power! workshop sponsored by LISC. My hope is to inspire and motivate others to become involved in addressing issues that negatively impact their lives and those of their neighbors and loved ones, such as abandoned, boarded-up houses that can become magnets for crime.

In October 2003, I finally bought myself my dream house; a 103-year old fixer-upper Four-Square, with some of the most beautiful architectural elements you will ever see. It needed just the amount of TLC I felt I could manage to provide as a single female. I knew at the time the neighborhood was sort of “on the edge”, but the house was located on a solid block of good folks, and I felt I could help turn things around and help build community, since I’d watched it being done by others in Cottage Home Neighborhood, a nearby neighborhood where I’d rented a great little duplex for 8 years. I finally had my own place. :)

Although my neighborhood is made up of over 300 homes, my new neighbors invited me to sparsely-attended neighborhood meetings (3-5 people) and shortly thereafter, nominated me for the neighborhood president. The leaders were pretty burnt out and frustrated, and understandably so. They wanted new energy and perspectives, and things to improve. I was new, eager to learn about the neighborhood and why the problems in the community existed, as well as to protect my investment, so I accepted.

As I walked my dog Lady around the neighborhood daily, I witnessed some pretty scary people and places; so much neglected property and rubbish everywhere. This was so unlike Minnesota where I grew up. There were broken fences and boarded up houses and garages around which piles of discarded belongings were simply dumped on the ground. The more neighbors I met, the more I learned about the local crime in the neighborhood, and drug dealing going on, tho I never seemed to witness it myself. I found that it was filled with friendly, yet almost skiddish folks. This was understandable, considering the experiences of crime they had been experiencing all around them for months, even years.

What did I get myself into? Even my dog was like “Mom, what are we doing here?” I had reservations about whether I’d made the right decision or not, but each time they would inevitably disappear. This was my new home now, and for some odd reason, I had faith that I could affect things and help make it into a wonderful, safe enjoyable place to live. Arsenal Heights Neighborhood. Each time I looked around, I saw what it *could be*.

I held regular monthly, structured neighborhood meetings with agendas, and continued to get to know more and more of my neighbors as I walked Lady through the neighborhood. Each time I met someone new on my daily walks that seemed sober, I said hello, introduced myself, shared with them where I lived, and exchanged contact information/emails when I could. I personally invited them to the monthly neighborhood meetings to express/share their concerns and experiences. I told them city officials and police were there to listen to our concerns, and that if didn’t voice them, nothing would ever change.

Gradually over the months, the meeting attendees grew, one by one; more folks in the neighborhood met each other and slowly, bit by bit, we became more of a community. We began feeling empowered when we heard others’ stories that were similar to our own. We also reached out to the larger NESCO community in order to seek their help, support, and guidance in addressing the problems we faced.

We met month after month after month to discuss the status of problems, as well as other news and neighborhood activities, but the same problems and complaints came up over and over with our Health and Hospital inspector and police, and city neighborhood liaison.

At one point, I decided that the changes were simply NOT being made at an acceptable rate. We never seemed to get a clear answer for why the owner of each particular property was not addressing it’s code violation. Although we, as active neighborhood members, empathized with each other and re-enforced our experiences, we still felt pretty helpless to address the problems we faced, and did not feel our Health & Hospital (H&H) inspector was using his authority to make negligent property owners accountable. It was the same story every month, it seemed.

And then one day, the Dirty Dozen List was born. I thought “metrics”. I thought it would be helpful to “track progress” on each house that was under code violation or that was highlighted as a problem by neighbors, since generally the problem houses were directly linked to “problem tenants” and/or “owners of the problem properties”. We learned as a community that it was important to call and report every code violation we could possibly see (and we shared the phone number with everyone we knew on numerous occasions, so everyone could call in violations), because it was really our only ammunition toward getting the attention of the negligent and apathetic property owners. By calling in all of the code violations we could find, and track progress, we attempted to pressure H&H and the property owners into actually ensuring the properties were maintained safely and appropriately.

Every meeting we went over the Dirty Dozen List. And month after month after month, it became evident that not a lot was happening, and the more data we collected, the more we had evidence that “the H&H code enforcement process was broken”. We began talking to the H&H Corporation leadership, Environmental Court judges, and City of Indianapolis officials to help us understand why properties remained problematic, and what we could do about it. The data spoke for itself. All we needed to do was share it, and ask "why?".

At one point, our City of Indianapolis Neighborhood Liaison Katy Brett recognized that we were actively pursuing the problems in our neighborhood; that we actually cared. So, she invited a fellow city official named Jeff Bennett to our neighborhood meeting. Unbenounced (is this even a word?) to us, the city was diligently working toward addressing the problems of abandoned houses in the city, and had even formed an Abandoned Houses Work Group to assist the City in identifying long term strategies to reclaim and rehabilitate abandoned properties. Jeff, in partnership with up to 20 local experts, was working on drafting statutory improvements to the Unsafe Building Law, tax sale process, and a provision creating land bank authority for local governments across the state. He came to our neighborhood meetings to learn about the frustrations and road-blocks we had been encountering first hand, with properties in our very own neighborhood. We were *living* with the problems on a daily basis that he was trying to solve. At one point, we had Jeff Bennett, our Indiana State Representative John Day, and Arsenal Heights Civic League residents sharing their experience and ideas on how we might tweak the Senate Bill 341 to ensure it had the biggest bite possible. And, congratulations to them for serving their community and going to the very root of the problem! :)

This gave people in my neighborhood a feeling of great honor and pride that we were even given the opportunity to contribute, and possibly even affect our very own Indiana state law to make a positive difference in our community and living environment. To get the abandoned houses into the hands of CDCs or developers, rather than just sitting there for years and years, empty. And, to know that the people that we elected and hired to run our government cared enough to listen.

Once they submitted the bill, we anxiously awaited for the outcomes of the legislative sessions. First, we received news that SB341 had passed through the Indiana State Senate unanimously (50-0) and was referred to the House of Representatives. We were delighted. Whoooo-Hoooo! Woot! Woot!

When news came that the bill was removed from the House agenda with no explanation what-so-ever, we were deflated. This meant a-whole-nother year of status quo. Another year of the same old #@$#$!!. IT FELT THAT ALL HOPE WAS LOST... Even the Indianapolis Star publically acknowledged the disappointment and frustration caused by the killing of the bill.

It was actually during one of my disappointing and desperate discussions with either Jeff Bennett or Justin Ohlemiller, who was the city’s communication coordinator, that the possibility of a neighborhood rally or protest might help the situation.
When I broached the subject with Arsenal Heights Civic League VP, Linda Van Scoder, she was unsure. I talked her into going for it; afterall, what could it hurt? So, we held a rally in front of one of the abandoned houses in our neighborhood. We invited the local news stations, and the entire near eastside community to the rally for their help and support, and to empower them to take advantage of this opportunity to make a stand, and hopefully make a positive difference.

I leveraged my secretary role in the Near Eastside Collaborative Taskforce to initiate a massive writing campaign; provided contact information (phone numbers and direct links) to both the Indianapolis Star editorial section, and the Indiana State representatives' websites who were responsible for removing the bill from the session agenda (Phil Hinkle and James Buck). We made it as easy as we could for folks to call and write to them directly requesting (and even demanding!) an explanation for why they removed the bill from the agenda and basically killed it in the house legislative session, especially after a unanimous vote through the senate. Their offices were flooded with letters and calls, and the Indianapolis Star was flooded with letters to the editor.

Hinkle and Buck both showed up at our neighborhood rally and attempted to defend their concerns in person. I think they may have been a little sorry they came, because I literally heard one of our long time NESCO community leaders (feisty Ruth Shaw) look one of them straight in the eye and say “You should be *ashamed* of yourself!”. They attempted to defend their concerns through an Indianapolis Star editorial article also, but their concerns just didn’t seem to add up. It was also fairly clear that partisan politics were at play. We also learned that Buck was in the real estate business and Hinkle was in the mortgage business, and the whole thing began to seem a little fishy, and I called them out on this in my Indianapolis Star editorial, specifically.

The session was going down to the wire, and we still had not heard whether or not the bill would be revived to at *least* get a vote. The entire NESCO Community held their feet to the fire (and would not let up) until we heard whether the bill was revived or not; we were all on pins and needles. We learned that the bill was revived as an amendment to another bill, and ultimately passed through the House with a vote of 75-25....and the vote was held on the last day of the legislative session. What a roller coaster ride!!

This new law: Bolstered the ability of cities and counties all across the state to better address the issue of abandoned houses and problem properties, which negatively impact the quality of life in neighborhoods throughout Indiana.
The State law changes outlined in HB1102/SB341 essentially does three things:
1) Adds teeth to a city’s ability to go after negligent property owners and prevent these bad actors from acquiring even more property;
2) Provides municipalities with more options in partnering with developers to revitalize troubled properties; and
3) Speeds up the timeframe that sites may languish in abandonment before they can be put back into positive reuse.

The law gives local governments statewide better tools to tackle the tremendous challenges posed by vacant, abandoned and dilapidated properties.

This is a story with a positive outcome, that I hope encourages you to:
• Foster good and productive relationships and partnerships within your community.
• Make contacts and develop relationships with fellow neighbors; get to know your neighbors, and engage your fellow neighbors; the issues and concerns that you are facing – they are facing them too!
• Make contacts and develop relationships with city officials, and those that can help you.
• Make contacts and develop relationships with others who have more experience than you, that can help guide you.
When you actively care and make a stand, people will notice and even join and support you in your worthy causes.

My story also speaks to the Peterson administration, and their ability and willingness to partner with city residents. It also speaks to the city residents that were willing to voice their needs and demand positive changes in their lives. The people really do have power. :)

The End.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Motivation? Where are you?

I am preparing to tell an inspirational story of how me and my neighbors had a hand in passing the Indiana state Abandoned Housing Law through both the state senate and house of reps, with pictures and the whole deal, but I simply cannot seem to get myself MOTIVATED to get it all together.  I feel "community serviced" out lately.  Thinking back, I am actually amazed how we put the effort into a) get peeps involved in a positive cause, b) initiate the writing campaign, c) get things changed within our state government. How n-hood leaders and everyone stepped up (together) and demanded the positive changes; wrote to the IndyStar opinion section, held a rally, wrote to the nitwit-politician that dropped it from the docket, wrote to each other to spread the word! Pretty powerful stuff, but I'm sooooo tired now. Yes, I led it, and we did make a positive difference....I can see it every day as I walk Lady through the neighborhood.  How can I get myself to realize and embrace the final step in "telling the story" in order to leverage the momentum that has already developed? I know if I don't, things will likely digress.... But, my heart feels so heavy right now....

I have the opportunity to go scootering tonight with friends on this absolutely GORGEOUS evening here in Indy; one of the very last for this year's season I am certain....shall I go? Will the motivation come to me later on, if I play a little bit and go for a fun, refreshing scoot tonight????? I hope so.....I think I better go.  I need to clear my head and take advantage of this opportunity to have some fun. Yep, it's decided. Maybe that heavy weight on my heart will dissipate as I breeze through the city on Scoot  (he's so cute).
Okay, but then I absolutely *have* to promise that I stay home tomorrow night and begin putting together the story/presentation.  Afterall, many peeps from all over the city will be there, and it's such a incredibly great honor to be asked to tell the story and put on the workshop.  Just remember THAT little missy!  Okay, I will.....but now I am going to go have some fun.  Yee!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Another Walk in the Park

So, I was walking Lady again this evening after work in Highland Park, the same location as in my last blog. I stood underneath the "halved oak tree" and snapped a couple of pictures of the sunset against the skyline. See the lovely photos?

Lady stood in the distance and watched me...she is so old, and it seems like each step gives her some pain, yet she still *loves* her walks, and loves to stop and smell REALLY important things that I cannot see or smell myself...... Here is a picture of her waiting for me. She's so fluffy!

I got Lady in the freezing cold month of February of 1994. It was an especially cold February when I walked into a small gas station to pay for my gas; only big enough to have a few different types of candy bars and chips for sale. Lady greeted me at the door so sweetly and friendly. I was touched, and her fur was so soft to the touch. Two brown ears and one black eye with black lashes, the other eye with white lashes. I asked why there was a dog inside and who's it was; I was surprised and commented on what sweetie she was. The attendant said a couple of kids had left her, and so they let her inside since it was soooo cold outside. The kids had stopped to fill the air in their bike tires, and took off before she realized they were gone. She would be seen running alongside and keeping up with the kids as they rode their bikes around the area fairly often, supposedly. The attendant said they couldn't keep here there. So, "softhearted Stacy" offered to take her home. After all, I had a fenced in yard at the time. I left my name and phone number and told them to have the owners call me when they returned to the gas station for her.
Well, a week went by and I wondered why nobody had called yet, so I dropped into the gas station again. They of course, said the owners never wanted her, and actually thought the family had mistreated and/or abused her. I felt I'd been tricked, and was actually kinda pissed off. Also, was ticked off at the fact that they would abuse such a sweet pooch. So, I took her to the vet to get her fixed and all her shots. Then, she was mine.
Lady has been an angel in my life for 14 years. She was at least a couple of years old when I got her, so I know I won't have her around much longer.....she could be anywhere from 16 to 18 years old, or more; I have no idea. Now, her black eye has grayed. She doesn't climb the stairs anymore to sleep in my bedroom.
There are days when I think about how on earth I will make the decision to put her to sleep, and what a sad day that will be in my life. Part of me hopes she'll pass in her sleep, but that is not likely. See, she's very stubborn, just like her mother, and if she wants to stick around longer for just *one* more walk, she God, she will. When she does pass, that will likely not be another walk in the park....

Monday, August 10, 2009

Holly Oak Tree in Highland Park

I walked my dog Lady to the park this weekend and found that the recent storm had literally halved the magnificent oak tree in Highland Park, Indianapolis. That was truly the most beautiful, grand oak tree in the neighborhood. I used to sing "Holly Oak" by Geggy Tah as I walked underneath and around it. (...a holly oak tree is shading me.....planted by........a passer by, tossing acorn seeds....'til one taked hold and grows to be.....a shade of love inside a memory of you and me and that Holly Oak tree....)
Very romantic, considering I was in love when I sang it. Eventually, the love was crushed and my heart was cracked and split, much like the tree is now. Only half the tree remains. Something so powerful and majestic split in half. Have a look.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

This was NEAT, but then I *have* to do dishes!

I’d just finished tying my pooch Lady up to a tree outside Family Dollar, and suddenly hear and see a green plastic soda bottle fall to the ground and splash liquid from the corner of my eye. Alongside the bottle is a white plastic bag full of rubbish. The only thing near it is a teenage African American boy sitting in the drivers’ seat of a totally souped-up car, with see-through chrome tire rims – the works. Music is thumping, and his buddy is in the car with him, both windows wide open, sharing their love of music, I presume…

I went up to the young man and asked him if he’d just dropped that bottle. “What?”, as he turned down the music to hear. I asked him again. “No, I didn’t do it”. I turned away and headed into the store to get the dog treats for which I’d come, thinking yeah right….

As I arrived at the cashier, I could swear I saw the young man leave the store and get into his car. I asked the cashier and another fellow if that guy had just come in to throw away the trash. They said yeah, and then commented highly about him; one even described him as “honorable”. I told them I was very impressed myself, since I had said something to the boy.

As I left, I poked my head into his car window again and said “Did you pick up that trash?” “What?” as he turned down the music to hear. I asked again. He responded, “no I didn’t pick it up” to which I asked “what happened to it then?” His response: “It blew away.” I beamed straight into his eyes, “It blew away…(with a ‘yeah right’, tone of voice)”. And then he looked at me and gave me the most beautiful smile, so lovely that it made me smile. What a special gift – that smile. What a gift that I could plant a positive seed in his mind too.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Inaugural Personal Blog Blurb

This is my inaugural blog blurb for my personal blog. I created a blog at work yesterday, but believe I will need some personal space to voice my ideas online, outside of work.
Now, I just need to figure out what to write about.....

This morning on my way to work I thought about blogging about the bees I observed, that were basically "hanging" from their buzzing wings. They reminded me of a mother dog or cat carrying one of their pups/kittens around, except the bees were carried around by their wings.....from flower to flower. They were not quite as cute as a kitten or puppy though....

The creations of this world fascinate me. I suspect I may end up having a lot of nature topics in this well as music, politics, and just strong personal opinions....

I also wonder who on earth would read all this text I am creating, and ALL the bloggy-text out there created by billions of humans?? It's just like a library of books, but electronically, I suppose, eh?

Well, that's enough for me for now. Have a wonderful evening and a pleasant tomorrow.