Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Power of "NO"

Today, I attended a seminar that discussed "the power of no", specifically within the workplace. It included a free lunch. The seminar audience was filled with prominent business personnel/leaders in the Indianapolis community, many of them financial-related. Several of the attendees were high level bank executives around town. The seminar basically summarized the benefits of saying "no" and the varying situations in which one might need to in the workplace. But, as I sat through the seminar, it was clear to me that there was generally no "right" answer to any situation. There was no clear rules provided about when one should say no, and when one should say yes. It was merely an analysis of the situations, and the benefits of either side, given the moment. Considering each of us is so different, each so individual and our state of stress changes from day to day, it seems that each person has to choose within the moment what their choice will be.

The most useful thing I heard during the seminar was the confirmation that there is a VAST difference between the reality of "taking time to think about an answer" and the perception within the business environment that "one is able to make a decision and provide an answer". Basically, the bottom line in our business environment is if you don't make a decision and respond quickly enough, it is assumed you are saying "no" or simply not capable of providing an answer. This scares the worms out of me. This day and age, people do not think long enough or carefully enough about their decisions, nor understand the consequences of their decisions on the greater good of our world. The business they work for, perhaps, but what about our city, state, nation, and/or world????

Slow down a little people....if not even for 1 minute. The world is made up of more than the almighty dollar. You and/or your company can do without more than you realize. Yes, it's nice to have, but it's also nice and good to share the wealth. It could and likely will make this place we call earth a better place to live. Your decision could affect the quality of life of even one individual, and what a gift to make someone smile, or eat a vegetable in place of a piece of bread. Bring the love and caring that you have within you into the workplace....we are all connected. Thank you for your consideration. :)

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